Fashion Dot

Who We Are?

General Business Activities Fashion Dot has established as a tailoring training Institute in Salem District, in the year of 2001. Our traditional business is based on all kind of tailoring's like Gents, Ladies & kids.Based on the discussion We launched Tailoring Training DVD in 2010 | computerized Tailoring software in 2011 | Automatic Cutting Software through Laser cutting in 2017. 

How Does It Works?

  1. When a customer walks in to your tailoring shop, the person just has to feed in the measurements once in the tailoring software. This data is stored with name, measurements, delivery details etc in the software's database.
  2. Then the customer can choose the desired pattern from the touch screen or get a customized pattern done. Once the pattern choice is selected, the software prints the pattern in an A2 paper with the help of a Dot Matrix Printer.
  3. The printed paper is then given to the tailor. He cuts the pattern on the fabric material and then goes for stitching. If a customer comes back for alteration, a re-work of measuring is avoided as the measurement is already fed into the software.
  4. The main advantage of is that the software is instant allowing faster customization thus reducing manual efforts. This software generated pattern can be used on any fabric. Tailoring software allows quick turnarounds and customization at larger scales. Customers do not face fitting problems. Repeated process of reusing the pattern is possible. 

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